Sunday, February 05, 2012
Still kick'n in 2012...
So like ya, it was pretty well touch & go there for quite awhile in my little world and of course my blogging suffered badly for it as you've no doubt noticed eh.:) Sometimes life can give ya a real brutal shake, a harsh reality bite, if you will. How we handle those painful times are a measure of our true character and make us stronger for the experience. Making it through bad times is indeed some of the hardest things we'll ever do,depending on how hard the times are of course. The important thing is to never, say never. Never, ever, give up.
Things in my neck of the woods are beginning to look better again. Praise God! My health is almost where it used to be ten or fifteen years ago. I'm certainly getting in my share of heavy exercise and muscle toning and also it must have something to do with what I've been trying hard to feed my body in the last few years. Even on a long and very low budget, I've managed to enliven my gently aging body with powerful and natural, live cell building nutrients, while also cutting way back on foods that I know are bad for me, and you for that matter eh. It's all pay'n off in aces. :)
I intend, like in the past, to share some of my power foods experiences and pictures in here in the coming months, now that I've regained a little chunk of semi-stability and my mind can go where it want's to, instead of where it has to.
I hope your health is better than good my friends. Maybe you can add something later on, to my lists of power foods that you've had success with too?
Special note of Thanks and all the best to You folks that have hung around, waiting for me to get this wee blog thingy go'n again. You are awesome! :) 10-4
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Outdoorsy Coach 4 hire...
If you live in the Ottawa area and you want to get good at Outdoorsy stuff, I'm now offering my services, as a personal coach to you. If you've been on my blogs before you already know lots of the Outdoorsy stuff I'm involved with. Fishing, survival, photography, nature study and biking, are what I can help you get more enjoyment out of. I've been at this stuff for quite a long time and I want to pass on my skills to others who want to be more efficient and capable at things they like.
I believe that one on one, is the way to go with real learning and that is my specialty. Doing what you love to do with an experienced guide at your side to help perfect the little details that separate the men from the boys, is a real short cut to success at your thing. Age does not matter either as I know that all people can learn with the right teacher. I've taught many folks from all age groups and have never failed to please my clients.
Maybe you'd like to learn which plants to eat out there so you can eat healthier, for free? Maybe you'd like to win a contest for the best Photograph? Do you want to learn to write or blog about your Outdoor experiences? Perhaps it's your goal to place in the top ten in the various Bass tournaments held every year? Ever want to go day camping on your bike but couldn't find anyone to go with? Do you want to learn how to snow camp, comfortably and safely? Heck, I can even help you get your Outdoors type website, right up the ladder, in a Google search. All this and more, so as to help You achieve some of your Outdoor goals in 2010.
Hopefully, these ideas should draw you a rough picture of what I can do for you and or someone you know. I can also work with up to four people at the same time. Couples are awesome to work with too and have been known to kind of re-discover themselves somewhat during a half day session Outdoors with me. I can guarantee that you will most definitely be better, at your Outdoorsy thing, after working with me, even once. Now that winter is here, indoor learning also comes more into play and I find that people really learn well in the warmth and comfort and safety of their own home. I travel to you. Well, depending on distance of course.
I am a very flexible guy and I gear my exact coaching style and methods to whatever it is that you, in particular as an individual, needs to improve upon. Indoors, outdoors, winter, summer, spring and fall, I'm here to share it all with You! Working one on one with me, can really change how you look at the outdoors in general and what and how you do out there in 2010.
To accommodate even more outdoorsy inclined folks this year, I'm keeping my fees Very affordable so that almost anyone can spend a few hours at least, rubbing shoulders with me, picking my brain for whatever they want and need. My goal is to make You better at whatever it is you'd like to learn about the most, in real time!
Here's a link to a little ad I'm running over on Kijiji right now.Coach 2 Go... Also this link Outdoorsy Coach... will take you to a similar ad over on UsedOttawa dot com. Please, don't hesitate to contact me if you feel the need for any of this.
Send me an email or leave a comment in here and a way to get back to you and tell me what you'd like to do better at and we can pick a time for me to get you started on your road to more Outdoorsy fulfillment for 2010. :-)
Thank you for taking the time to read my little blog to-day folks. I appreciate any and all of my readers, known and unknown alike.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
A Merry Christmas card for you...
Click the link below or even the one above and open my Special little Christmas card to all of You, my readers and followers.
To all my friends...
Thank You so much to those of you who have been generous enough to leave your kind and deep felt comments on my little blogs over the last few years. That is the Reward that I receive for doing what I've always intended to do on the Internet. To share some of what I love and do in and out of the Great Outdoors with everyone I can...
So, Once again, Merry Christmas to you all and all the best for 2010 for You and yours!
Your friend,
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Some needed Shout-outs...
Time for a little Shout Out!
Here's a little list of folks that have been communicating with me over the last little while through my blogs or Tweets on Twitter. So to all you great people below, this is a Shout Out to You. Thank You for sharing stuff with me. I'm really glad to know y'all!
This first lady is the owner of a very cool blog which I just discovered recently. Sherri Russel loves sharing the outdoors with other women who haven't had many opportunities to feel Natures power and pull. Her blog at She's So Fly... is just jammed with good stuff that you'll be able to relate to if you like to fish at all. I was just informed that I have won a contest that she is running over there on her blog. Man, how Cool is that then? We just met and I've scored a treat already. Go take a cruise around her blog and leave a comment too if you have a spare moment. :-)
Next is a man called Hawk, who shares his awesome writings about bow hunting and what he feels out there in the bush, on his blog at Hawk... His link is here because his writing moved me in a big way. See what it does for you. :-)
If you like making stuff out of readily available, natural materials, you will LOVE the Fenlander's blog... This dude is so creative. He shows us how to perform simple skills that can be learned easily by visiting this excellent Outdoorsman's blog. What are you waiting for? Get over there.
Another outstanding Outdoorsy woman that you can meet here is Rebecca, who goes by the handle Outdooress... Her recent blog post mentions winning the last Cool Contest over on Wolfy's blog. Was she excited or what? She's quite the cool little fishin' gal and it's a real pleasure to know her. Go see for yourself. :-)
Now, if You are a Bass Fisherman and you're reading this, don't wait a minute longer. Get yourself right over to my man Wolfy's cool blog, at Flowing Waters... because he has an Amazing Contest happening right now. Yup, he's got a Whack of awesome lookin' Bass lures over there including hard and soft baits, that he's giving away! Need more info? Get on this link and join this Very Cool Free Bass Tackle Contest, is about ALL the info you need for now. Go Get 'em... :-)
So there you have it. Some excellent Outdoors Communicators, right here in one spot for you.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Bass Tackle Freebies...
News worthy or what? Don't miss out on this Amazing Contest folks! Beautiful Bassin' gear is now being given away to folks who like to read Outdoorsy stuff and who don't mind leaving a comment or two on a very enjoyable blog. That's right, my man Wolfy is now running the second part of his Cool Gear Give Away Contests! In this phase, there's a brutally big bag of Bass swag, waiting for one of his real lucky readers, that Loves to fish for Bass. You will hardly believe all of the stuff in this killer Bass Package!
O.K. then, I know you're gettin' pretty excited by now if You are indeed a Basser, So, here's a tiny peek at what Wolfy's put together, to reward his readers, for being there and sharing some of his life with him! Man oh man, I'm just a droolin' over here, just lookin' at these beautiful Bassin' Hardbaits alone! :-)
Anyway, get over to Flowing Waters... asap and tell my man Wolfy what You think of this, really Sweet offer and maybe his excellent blog too, if ya feel it in ya. ;-) He's like me and many other bloggers out there, in that he LOVES to get comments from folks all over. :-)
The first phase of Wolfy's contest was won by another outdoorsy blogging friend of mine, the Outdooress... who is a real Female Fly Fishin' Fanatic and will certainly wear her winnings well. Rebecca is a very deserving follower of a number of excellent Outdoor related blogs (including mine) so it's Super for me to see her win such an awesome prize for actually doing such fine work herself out there on the web. Well, o.k., there was a Little luck involved maybe. ;-)
One last thing...
Thanx y'all 4 visiting to-day, I appreciate it large. :-)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Peeps and Hats...
So anyway, I think these two recent ones are outstanding! Here's my new friend Jim's contribution to my fishin' hat picture collection. We met a few weeks ago on the canal and spent well over an hour just talkin' and fishin' and mentioning a few times how good it was to be alive out there, by the lake and all. :-)
Thank You Jim, for lettin' me shoot yer cool fishin' hat buddy! :-)
This next picture, is my other new friend from the Internet, Caro Houle with a real nice Small Mouth Bass. Although the bass is cool, what really got me though is her awesome fishin' hat! ;-) I met Caro through some of her friends on Twitter and figured most of my readers would also get a bit of a kick out of this particular little lady's lion hat. :-)
If You are on Twitter, you can check her out anytime at Caro Houle...
Man, I feel like I'm gonna have to get me a new style, fancy, cool, hat too. All I seem to ever wear, are these more serious lookin' ball caps. Boring... Sheesh, I've gotta learn ta lighten up a little on the head pieces, eh? :-) I mean, like, these two cool fisher persons sure look like they're having a good time, and they're Not wearing trucker caps. Hmmmm.
What kind of hat do you wear out Fishin'?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Meet the Tadfry...
Pollywog or Tadfry, it doesn't really matter what you call this tiny killer crank! My friend Outsides4me, shared this fine picture of this sweet little crank-bait on his Photostream over on Flickr a while back. So you see, because I've been using this scary little puppy for over a decade now, and have caught a pile of fish with it, I get to share it with you in here to-day, through my man, Outsides4me.
If You are already getting a kick out of using Ultra-lite fishing tackle, then you really owe it to yourself to hunt this awesome little micro plug down in your favorite tackle outlet. O.K. so you may not catch too many hogs on the Tadfry but, you will make up for that, in sheer numbers of fish caught. Guaranteed! :-)
Seriously, if there are any fish around and it doesn't matter much what kind of fish, tossing this fish magnet out there, WILL bring strikes! Use four pound test line with this delicately balanced plug, or six at most, so as not to hamper it's great action.
Sunfish and Bluegills will smash this thing! Crappies suck it in like there is no tomorrow too. Small and Large Mouth Bass won't even think twice about crushing this lively, floating diving little tidbit, as well. :-) The last time I used it on Yellow Perch, I landed 43 in an hour and only had three of 'em flip off. That teeny treble on the Tadfry is always kept razor sharp, so sticking fish is never a problem. If they touch it at all, it's like glue! ;-)
Don't horse your fish in though or that micro hook will indeed rip right out of their mouths. Instead, take it easy and have yourself a little fun with those wild fish on your Ultra-lite set-up. Keep the drag fairly light and almost all the fish feel like big ones. More fish on the line, is the reward, when you scale your stuff down with a finesse style approach, like this.
Here's the link to Outsides4me's Photostream, which is where there's a lot of really nice Outdoorsy shots taken by this talented Photog...
Be sure to add this deadly little cranker to your UL arsenal and then look forward to many good rod bending sessions next year.
Have a great day...