Kool Canadian Webmaster...
Well, it's Sunday again and I'm having my first cup of java after turning on the computer. Ran out of sugar so I'm using honey instead, which I'm quickly runnin' out of too. It's cloudy and sombre looking out the window, so I'm in no hurry to go anywhere, too soon. It's nice to relax and let the body build up it's power again. Burnt a ton of calories yesterday riding out to one of my secret spots, where I picked a handful of late blueberries. This is the only place I've found around Ottawa in the last 35 plus years where these beautiful little morsels live. The terrain there is much like it was in Sudbury, where I grew up. There is old rock there, reindeer moss, lush lichen, boggy, low areas, stunted maples, birch, and poplars. It's also right next to a big cattail marsh so there are plenty of ducks, geese and many other birds around. Deer tracks are everywhere and I found two new laydown areas in the shade where deer have rested during the afternoons heat spells. I love finding remote areas on the fringes of cities and towns where other people don't go! Virgin country, I call it.
Note to self...
Must BLOG more!!!
Why You Should Stock Sauerkraut
8 hours ago