Presenting...The Astered Grass-hopper...Hey, Grass-Hopper!
Have You ever gotten this close to a Wild Grass-Hopper before? With a camera? Well, again, I some how seemingly "lucked out" and snagged this pic of little Hopper buddy here, posed momentarily for my sweet little E30 the other day. My fellow photography friend Austin, over @ Flickr suggested I send this Grasshopper picture to his Macro-natureonly, photo Group @ Flickr. So, I did. :-)
Go have a look at buddy's Cool Macro-Nature Group for Your Close-up LOOK, at some real nice stuff, to-day...
Austin's Cool Macro GroupThe Wild Asters themselves were actually plenty subject matter enough for me, until I spied this nicely colored Hopper, that is. He patiently waited for me to try and get a good focus on him while holding this little Pentax, in my hands, of course. That's always a little tricky. Also there always seems be be a bit of an errant breeze around, just when you don't need it, for insect and flower shots. :-(
Well, then again that's alright though, that's the kind of stuff that really adds to the Sport of, Small Game Shooting, for this ol' trapper anyway. Makes one appreciate a Quality shot, when one sees one. :-)