Man, it feels so good when you can look at your life and say that you are quite happy with where you are right now. Oh sure, a few things could have went better here and there along the way but, all in all, this ol' puppy IS a happy camper... :-)
Many, many things can cut short that feeling though, in my case at least and in a few others that I know of. Perhaps You have had some rough times that were VERY hard to get through too in your past, eh? We've ALL been there. The trick is to endure only as long as necessary and then move on...Many better things, await us around the corner. We must Never stop wanting to turn another corner for fear of what happened in the past when you tried turning a fairly tough corner at the improper speed, be-known to you at the time. ;-)
Happiness is Not necessarily measured in money or worldly goods by the way, but instead, it's measured in our Health and our state of Mind! Your mind, as mine, controls your body, no matter WHO you are. Keeping both Healthy then, should be perhaps one of your Priorities too, as it is for this gently aging Outdoorsy dude. :-) Make sure that you get more live foods and the right kinds of cell building Nutrition into your body, daily, in order to add even more to your longevity and fine health. Check out my little Lens over @ Eating Healthy Squidoo dot com, for a little more Nutritional info...
I Know for sure that the many wild foods that I have harvested and consumed over the, last 4 plus decades, have added much to my state of health these days. Wild Leeks, Asparagus, Day Lilies, Blueberries, Wintergreen, Milkweed, Japanese Knotweed, Maple syrup and a host of others, have all charged my cells right up to the brim, with nature's finest enzymes, vitamins, minerals and everything I need to flourish for the times ahead too. I feel that I should remind you here, that these are My beliefs. Many folks would say I'm full of crap, but they are probably Not in as good health as this ol' doggy is either... ;-)
Our Offspring...
If You are lucky enough to have children, I pray that You are giving them lots of your time and that, your time together is time that you both agree on, is High Quality time. They will only be your children once, and that time won't last long in the whole scheme of things. Love them with all your heart and help them with Anything they need help with. NEVER be Too Busy for those wonderful offspring of yours, either. Ever!
I also Believe that ANY child introduced to the Outdoorsy World at a young age will LOVE it. Certainly, how that child is introduced, or NOT introduced, can make or break his or her future outlooks on anything to do with Nature and his or her place in it. My own two children were holding live freshwater fish in their hands before they were two years old and just beaming with glee in the process. A real natural closeness to Nature, bonding thingy, is indeed formed between human and finned critter in the rapidly forming brain cells of our precious children. I witnessed it many times with my two little lovelies!
Here's an old shot of my young lad, still in a diaper, expressing his take on getting into the Outdoorsy thing with dad, even at home on the couch...
A Happy Boy...
Don't ever think they are too young for this or that. They are not. Real Knowledge has NO age limits or time constraints. Teach them the real things in life by example and one on one learning experiences. They will Love you for it, for a long time to come...
Do your part in showing those kiddies of yours that they can find Happiness through their Outdoorsy experiences and you will Never regret any of it, I'll bet on it. :-)
Well, that's a start on my little blurb here to-day, on this last day of January 2009, about, how Life Is Good. There will be more...
Thanx a lot for visiting with me to-day. Don't forget to bookmark this little blog if you've enjoyed your time in here to-day too. Oh, and if you've ever played "pass it on" in your life, then This would be a good time to rekindle that fine ol' info exchange method too. Send a link to one of your friends :-)
All the best,
DIY Laundry Detergent
7 hours ago