Sunday, December 31, 2006

In a few hours it'll be 2007. Man oh man, There are always where did the year go? Seems the older I get, the faster they go. :-( Did you have a good one? Lots of nice highlights? Lots of good stuff happen to you in '06? Ya know, that's what life really IS all about. Having good stuff happen to you. If that's not what's shakin' in your life, then you've gotta change that. If there is a lot of bad stuff goin' on in your life, you've really got to look very closly at the way you are going about doing things. There are always better ways, to do anything. There is definately NO shortage of knowledge out there to-day folks. Never before in the history of time has the common man had so much powerful information at his fingertips. So much to learn.

I love learning. To go from 45 years of outdoorsy, bush related interests, to joining the Internet and creating websites in the last ten, is my way of proving that. The way I see it, the more you know, the more you can enjoy your life. The really kool part about that is, YOU get to pick what you want to learn and at what speed and intensity you want to learn it at! Wow, just reflect on that for a minute...

A person could get pretty darn good at something, if they followed that criteria, now couldn't they? Hope ya hear what I'm tryin' to tell you. :-)

Just in time for '07, I've got a neat little Ebook or two here, for any of you that have found my wee blog like you did. A little new years gift, if you will, just for coming. Simply use the link below to go over to one of my other websites, find the Ebook link there and click away. They are very small, yet quite kool, downloads. All the BEST in 2007!

Free Ebooks

Gotta run,

Happy New Year!!!
