Get Coached...
If you live in the Ottawa area and you want to get good at Outdoorsy stuff, I'm now offering my services, as a personal coach to you. If you've been on my blogs before you already know lots of the Outdoorsy stuff I'm involved with. Fishing, survival, photography, nature study and biking, are what I can help you get more enjoyment out of. I've been at this stuff for quite a long time and I want to pass on my skills to others who want to be more efficient and capable at things they like.
I believe that one on one, is the way to go with real learning and that is my specialty. Doing what you love to do with an experienced guide at your side to help perfect the little details that separate the men from the boys, is a real short cut to success at your thing. Age does not matter either as I know that all people can learn with the right teacher. I've taught many folks from all age groups and have never failed to please my clients.
Maybe you'd like to learn which plants to eat out there so you can eat healthier, for free? Maybe you'd like to win a contest for the best Photograph? Do you want to learn to write or blog about your Outdoor experiences? Perhaps it's your goal to place in the top ten in the various Bass tournaments held every year? Ever want to go day camping on your bike but couldn't find anyone to go with? Do you want to learn how to snow camp, comfortably and safely? Heck, I can even help you get your Outdoors type website, right up the ladder, in a Google search. All this and more, so as to help You achieve some of your Outdoor goals in 2010.
Hopefully, these ideas should draw you a rough picture of what I can do for you and or someone you know. I can also work with up to four people at the same time. Couples are awesome to work with too and have been known to kind of re-discover themselves somewhat during a half day session Outdoors with me. I can guarantee that you will most definitely be better, at your Outdoorsy thing, after working with me, even once. Now that winter is here, indoor learning also comes more into play and I find that people really learn well in the warmth and comfort and safety of their own home. I travel to you. Well, depending on distance of course.
I am a very flexible guy and I gear my exact coaching style and methods to whatever it is that you, in particular as an individual, needs to improve upon. Indoors, outdoors, winter, summer, spring and fall, I'm here to share it all with You! Working one on one with me, can really change how you look at the outdoors in general and what and how you do out there in 2010.
To accommodate even more outdoorsy inclined folks this year, I'm keeping my fees Very affordable so that almost anyone can spend a few hours at least, rubbing shoulders with me, picking my brain for whatever they want and need. My goal is to make You better at whatever it is you'd like to learn about the most, in real time!
Here's a link to a little ad I'm running over on Kijiji right now.Coach 2 Go... Also this link Outdoorsy Coach... will take you to a similar ad over on UsedOttawa dot com. Please, don't hesitate to contact me if you feel the need for any of this.
Send me an email or leave a comment in here and a way to get back to you and tell me what you'd like to do better at and we can pick a time for me to get you started on your road to more Outdoorsy fulfillment for 2010. :-)
Thank you for taking the time to read my little blog to-day folks. I appreciate any and all of my readers, known and unknown alike.
Why You Should Stock Sauerkraut
8 hours ago