Ho, ho, ho, to y'all! :-) I trust that everyone reading this, has had a wonderful Christmas and that you got to spend some quality time with your family and friends. Santa, Jesus, Wally-world or whatever this time of year represents to you, the time with loved ones well spent is what we all should be enjoying, no matter what our other beliefs. Enjoying whatever time we have with our families, is the most rewarding time you'll ever spend. Why do I say this? How do I know this? Well, it's quite simple in fact. I have VERY little "family" left. I'm probably the last of my breed. Whatever I've learned and formed and have become, will end when I depart this earth. Also, friends are VERY few and far between. :-(
So, you see, I'm telling you this from experience. If there are loved ones around you, do NOT take them for granted, ever. You can never hug your children, mother, father, uncle, aunt, cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife or significant other, TOO much! There is not enough love in the world as it is, so DO NOT have a home where love doesn't live. Make it your business to get more love and happiness going on in there. If we all do a little more huggin' and smilin' and laughin' in our homes, it can add years to everyones life. :-)
In my little world...
My best friend and his wonderful wife, drove up from Kingston to visit with his sister for Christmas, so we went out for breakfast together this morning. We headed out for a tour around some of Bruce's old stomping grounds after an amazing breakfast @ Cory's! He showed me where his school was and then because there was some construction started there, we drove right through the spot with his 4x4 and then through the spot that was once a Shell gas station beside it. The only things we saw remaining anymore was a small stand of stunted Poplars and some other shrubby type of bush in a little hollow that seems to have escaped any progress for the past few decades. This tour by the way, was in one of the oldest parts of Ottawa. The whole place was expropriated and demolished and people were forced to move out back then, with NO recourse, by the NCC and nothing much was ever done with all that land. :-(
Bruce told me as we slowly motored through the area that back then they just called it "the flats" which was short for the Lebreton Flats. His school was right near the tracks, which of course are not there now. "No nice grass either back then, just pavement to play on", he laughed as he recalled playing soccer, football, softball or whatever, all on freakin' blacktop. No wussy grassy fields for those tough school kids from the flats, back in those bygone days. ;-) They don't build kids like that anymore, I'm sorry to say. :-(
Our re-visit suddenly jogged a memory, of Bruce sitting in the drivers seat of his dad's car in the lane way watching the cars go by. A cop pulled up and gave him a hard time about it, seeing as he was only eight or ten at the time. I chuckled at that little flashback of his and just how neat it was, that it had just traveled about 45 years into the past to bring a fresh smile to my buddy's face as well as mine after ALL this time. Another little Christmas gift for two bonded buds...
Then, as if that kool ride with my best bud through memory lane wasn't enough of a Christmas present, he then turned Santa on me and I'm now the very proud owner and wearer of the neatest boots I've worn in over 20 years. Feather-lite, waterproof, camo patterned, insulated with Thinsulate and oh so snuggy/comfy to set a man's foot into. These awesome Mossy Oak boots are really going to keep me warm and dry all winter. I LUV 'em! :-) Thanx again buddy Bruce and sister Elaine for your kindness and generosity, of such a useful and very appreciated gift. Love Always! :-)
While I'm on the topic of one's blessings...
Most of Christmas Day was spent with my other close buddy's family. He had invited me over earlier in the week to have Christmas dinner with them and I had graciously accepted. :-) With Larry's two girls , his son, his lady Tracy, his mom and Tracey's mom there, I was surrounded suddenly, by family. Man, that felt good. Of course Tracy is no stranger to the kitchen and this little doll really puts on a mean spread no matter what the occasion. :-) So, of course, I ate way too much delicious and beautiful food and sat there like a fat little piggy on the couch after we ate and couldn't move my tubby body for a bit. :-) Thank you once more my friends, for inviting me into your home to share your Christmas and family with me this Christmas! Peace Y'all!
You know, when I add these two happenings together, I realize just how fortunate I am indeed to have the friends that I do have, even though I don't have many. I've ALWAYS preferred quality to quantity in my life, so it's only fitting then that Bruce and Larry and their families are indeed the best friends this man, could EVER have! My hat is off to you, dear friends...
On closing for to-day, Boxing day, I pulled these pictures out of last falls pile which perhaps depict a glimpse of some of the different terrain I travel through while exploring around Ottawa. I guess I'll soon have to get a few new woodsy winter shots in here too, just to keep sort of current with the season and all. ;-) Maybe this week?
Chow 4 now.
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